Botox Treatment

Wrinkles, fine lines, creases and lines are not just the gifts of age in today’s world, but also a sign of pollution, radiation and the stress of our busy lives. Tired, lifeless skin with wrinkles makes one look far older and also takes away the skin’s natural glow. Many beauty products claim to work towards eliminating these signs of aging, but the creams and lotions available in the market usually have no or minimal results.

What are botox injections?

When it comes to an age-old and most ubiquitous methodology of diminishing wrinkles and frown lines that makes the face look mature, Botox is the supreme treatment out there. Botox is the trade name for Botulinum toxin, which is expansively used in cosmetic and medical fields. Being a quick and non-invasive process, it can impart you a more young-looking appearance.

How is the process carried out?

Botox treatments are simple and overpoweringly trouble-free. These anti-ageing injections can take up to 20 minutes, reliant on how many shots are needed. The doctor will start by first marking the points he will be immunizing with a marking pencil. These points will not essentially be on the line or wrinkle you desire to remove, but will be where your facial muscles contract. You may then be given a topical anesthesia to moderate any pain. The botox is injected with a Baby syringe of insulin into the marked points just underneath your skin. You may feel a small prick at the inoculation site, or you may feel no pain of any type. It only takes 10-15 minutes per sitting of Botox treatment and the outcomes will be traceable within 3-5 days and would last for about 3-6 months.

What is the indication for botox injection

  • Wrinkles
  • Lip lines
  • Glabellar lines
  • Bunny lines
  • Forehead/ worry lines
  • Fine lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Droopy eyelids
  • Dimpled chin
  • Sweaty armpits
  • Platysmal bands
  • Frown lines
  • Gummy smile
  • Neck wrinkles

Are botox injections painful?

Botox injections are not as painful as they are supposed to be. Approximating dermal fillers, the pain felt from botox injection is manageable. This treatment is also documented as “lunch break injection” since it is a simple and quick technique and doesn’t have any distractions in between.

What about the downtime of botox injections?

Botox treatments are usually very quick and simple. This treatment required should not bend forward for the first 4 Hours.