Archives: Treatments


This is an infection caused by sexually bacterium, affecting both males and females. Gonorrhea most often affects the urethra, rectum or throat. In females, gonorrhea can also infect the cervix. Gonorrhea can easily spread through fluids like semen or vaginal fluids that are exchanged during unprotected sexual contact, whether heterosexual or homosexual, with an infected …

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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by the bacteria and spread through sexual contact with the infected person. The initial symptoms of this disease are painless sore, that occurs in your mouth, genitalia or rectum. This infection spreads from one person to other via skin or mucous membrane through close contact with …

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Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a commonly occurring sexually transmitted disease affecting both men and women equally. The common symptoms of genital herpes include itching, pain and sores in your private parts. People who are infected by this condition face no signs or symptoms of genital herpes. An infected person can, however, infect the other person, even …

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Genital warts

Genital wart is a condition where there is an occurrence of fleshy growth,skin changes or bumpy skin appearing around the genital or perineal area. These are quite common and occurs as a result of viral skin infection that is caused by the human papillomavirus. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a family of more than 100 …

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Liposuction Liposuction refers to the most common plastic surgery method followed all over the world. It is a permanent removal of fat cells in an obese person with the help of a suction device. It is quite a safe method, with minimum downtime. It has been surrounded by a lot of controversies, and poor results, …



    Scar Less Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation with silicone implants is an extremely satisfying procedure for breast enlargement. It has been shown that silicone implants are safe or the body, does not cause any interference in lactation or cause any other problem at all. Since the availability of the best implants by MENTOR & …


Skin Allergy

Skin allergies that are commonly referred to as “rash” is a general term used for the inflammation of the skin. The various causes of rash, includes, but is not limited to, allergic or irritant dermatitis, medications, autoimmune disease, infections and very rare skin cancer. Allergic contact dermatitis refers to a condition of the skin that …

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Nail Disorders

There are many nail disorders that are caused because of certain infections, diseases of the skin or are self-imposed. However, with adequate medical intervention, most nails will re-grow and gain back their healthy state. Fungal infection of the nail is amongst the most commonly occurring nail disorders. This infection is more common in the toenails …

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Skin Cancer

    Skin melanoma mainly known as skin cancer ,are of various types. The most commonly found is Basal Cell Cancer emerged in the lowest layer of epidermis followed by Squamous Cell Cancer emerged from the median layer and finally the least common form of cancer is Melanoma which originates in the cells which produce …

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Skin Problems

ACNE Acne is a common physiological and pathological condition of the skin that is quite common among age group between 12 year to 27year with oily skin. Acne is vey commonly found on the face, chest & back. The oil or sebum produced by the sebaceous glands starts presnting on the external layer of skin …

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